Worship With Us
December 24 • 3 pm & 5 pm
This Christmas season, we invite you to bring your family and join us as we celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus. Both services will include music, candlelight, a brief message, and a lot of Christmas cheer.
Christmas at the Movies
Join us for Christmas at the Movies on December 1, 8, 15 and 22. Each Sunday we will examine a popular Christmas movie throught the lens of scripture and capture the true reason for the season.
Fellowship Kids: Pancake Breakfast
Bring the kids for a fun breakfast for the family on December 22 at 9:30 am in the gym. There will be crafts and a special 12 Days of Christians tradition. Stay after for the 11 am worship service and the Christmas at the Movies Finale party.
Finale Party: Dec. 22
Get your favorite tacky Christmas sweater ready. We are have having a Christmas at the Movies Finale Party for the whole family. Following the 11 am worship service, we will have a campfires, smores, hotdogs and drinks.